
Karolina Waskowiak
Subjects Studied:
S4 - Chemistry, Mathematics,English, Art & Design, Creative Industries, MusicS5/6 - Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Music, Graphics Communication, Laboratory Skills Level 7 (UHI)
Involvement in and/or undertakensuch as volunteering, part-time work, hobbies, interests, etc. that supportyour journey towards your career goal:
Part time work: CustomerService & Floor Assistant at B&M stores.
Volunteering: Oxfam + prefect dutiesAll improve people skills for whenI want to teach, but volunteering at Oxfam and working at B&M, I deal withcustomers which is absolutely crucial for doing freelance anything.
I'm a digital artist who specifiesin 2D illustration in Photoshop. I do freelance work (commissions,collaborations).