Placing Requests

Placing Requests - Parental Choice

Each school serves its own particular catchment area. Pupils whose homes are located in that area will have priority in being allocated a place in the school. However, parents have the right to specify the school in which they wish their child.

Application must be made to Mrs Loraine Knight, Early Years Officer –South, Headquarters, Care & Learning, Glenurquhart Rd, Inverness – Telephone: 01463 702074. Placing request forms can be obtained from

Transportation to and from school, for placing request pupils, is a parental responsibility. If pupils live out-with the school catchment area and their parents wish them to attend Millburn Academy they can contact the Rector to arrange a visit.

Parents of children with additional support needs, (including those that have Co-ordinated Support Plans) can make placing requests to any school in Scotland including schools outside of the local authority area they live in. All appeals about placing requests to special schools will be referred to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal.